Fresh Air:
New Visions for the Catholic Church

Front Cover, New Visions for the Catholic Church

I’ve been making art for many years, but my work as an author and book designer is more recent. My art is intended to express a sense of harmony, love, and beauty. I strive for this same enlightened feeling in my writings and in my book designs. And here’s my first book, Fresh Air: New Visions for the Catholic Church.

Fred Casselman,

About the Book

Pope John XXIII expressed the sentiment that it was time to open the windows of the Church to let in some fresh air. Decades later, the need continues. The writings herein are my personal insights to help let in some of that fresh air.

The writing took place over a period of several years, starting at the time of the sexual abuse scandal in the Boston Archdiocese (2002). We live in the Archdiocese and were profoundly affected by the revelations. It seemed to me it was time for some new insights and perspectives. I felt inspired to expand and create, to dance with my soul, to breathe some fresh air into the church.

The book expands on tradition, bringing a more up-to-date, enlightened sense of love and the feminine into the Church. The message is conveyed not only by words but also the layout and design.

It was published on the tenth anniversary of the scandal, January 6, 2012.

Excerpts & Endorsements

I’ve uploaded pdf’s of excerpts of the book so you can sample its flavor. There’s a page-by-page version plus a full spread version for larger screens.

And here are some very nice endorsements the book has received

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Questions or Comments?

Great Clouds of Heavenly Joy

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My Fresh Air Book Blog

Boston Area Authors Share Faith
Journeys and New Visions

(Posted May 10, 2013)

I am one of two authors who will be speaking on Wednesday, May 22, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. at the Morse Institute Library in Natick, MA. The other author is Catherine Brunell. Her book, Becoming Catholic Again: Connecting the Faith We Were Taught with the Faith We Live, was published by the Loyola Press. If you live in the Boston area, please stop by at the talk and say hi. The librarian, Jane Finlay, put together a very nice pdf with more details including directions.

Advice for Authors (October 2, 2012)

I came across some interesting advice today for authors. It was to create the sort of book you would like to read yourself. It occurred to me that’s what I have done. My book is fairly short. The pages have lots of white space for a restful feeling. There are interesting graphics and nice splashes of color. It’s not your usual looking book, but I like it. It makes me smile. I’m pleased that others are liking it also.

An Invitation (August 15, 2012)

I recently sent a signed copy of the book to a friend, Mary, to whom I feel a special closeness. Here is what I wrote inside: “Mary, sending you loving thoughts and inviting you to see anew your own Radiance, your own Christ Consciousness.” I send these same loving thoughts and invitation to all who read these words.

My Art Show (February 16, 2012)

Great Clouds of Heavenly Joy In June, 2011, we were at 37,000 feet somewhere over Nebraska going to visit family in Denver. Suddenly, out of the window of the plane, an amazing, magical cloud scene appeared. It was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I grabbed my Leica and snapped a couple of pictures. Within seconds, the scene was gone, but I had it captured. Later, I worked the image a bit in Photoshop and gave it the title Great Clouds of Heavenly Joy. It became the cover art for my book.

And now that same image is the leadoff for my latest art show featuring many other images with that touch of the magical, the enchanting, the mystical. For instance, an old brick structure transformed into a vermillion and gold temple. An oak tree, branches outstretched, longing for the light. An image called Other Shores representing heaven or our soul’s longing. And a beautiful array of smooth stones on a rocky beach that could just as well be a dense galaxy.

I’ve created an online gallery for my show. You can visit it here.

A thought for Valentine’s Day (February 14, 2012)

Love is a beautiful gift from beyond time and space.

Love is the glue that holds the Universe together.

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Art Blog